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The Inventor of Email


Since the news of VA Shiva Ayyadurai's invention became public, some individuals, believing the falsified history of email promoted by industry insiders, initiated attacks and destruction of facts on Wikipedia. These actions were intended not only to dismiss the facts of VA Shiva Ayyadurai’s invention of email but also to discredit his other innovations and life’s work.

VA Shiva Ayyadurai has been recognized by Westinghouse Science Talent Search, Disney Innoventions, and Lemelson-MIT Awards, among others, as an Inventor. These attacks are deliberate to denigrate any reference to him as an inventor and the holder of three United States Patents. VA Shiva Ayyadurai being an inventor was accepted on Wikipedia prior to the news of his invention of email.

The assaults on Wikipedia fell into two categories. One was the blatant destruction of facts. The second was the posting of inaccurate and arbitrary statements disparaging VA Shiva Ayyadurai’s work and character. Neither VA Shiva Ayyadurai nor his friends and colleagues have attempted to clean up the falsifications on Wikipedia. This has been a conscious decision, with the intention of illustrating to the public how systems of power react when they feel threatened. Below, we share these examples.

Destruction of Facts (January 1, 2012 to February 22, 2012)

Removal of VA Shiva Ayyadurai's Name from Article on Fluidized Bed Reactor

In 1989, VA Shiva Ayyadurai published two papers with his co-authors Gordana Vunjak-Novakovic And Robert S. Langer. The original Wikipedia article highlighted their pioneering work on developing a visualization method for fluidized bed reactors. On February 22, 2012, these facts were destroyed, with VA Shiva Ayyadurai’s name being expunged from the work. This was six days after the Smithsonian news. Given below are the Wikipedia pages before and after the destruction of facts.



Screen shot of Wikipedia article on "Fluidized Bed Reactor" showing work done by Novakovic, Langer and Ayyadurai, as on November 28, 2011.

Screen shot of Wikipedia article on "Fluidized Bed Reactor" after Ayyadurai's name was removed on February 22, 2012.

Removal of VA Shiva Ayyadurai's Name from Article on Systems Biology

In 2007, VA Shiva Ayyadurai and C. Forbes Dewey, Jr. published an important paper on CytoSolve, demonstrating a new innovation for modeling the whole cell by dynamically integrating multiple molecular pathway models. After the story about VA Shiva Ayyadurai Ayyadurai came out in TIME Magazine's Techland, titled "The Man Who Invented Email" on November 15, 2011, reference to CytoSolve was removed from the article on Systems Biology.



Screen shot of Wikipedia article on "Systems Biology" showing work done by Dewey and Ayyadurai, as on October 4, 2011

Screen shot of Wikipedia article on "Systems Biology" after mention of Dewey's and Ayyadurai's work was removed on January 1, 2012

Removal of VA Shiva Ayyadurai's Name from Article on Email

The article on Email in Wikipedia had inaccurate definition of email. Several attempts were made to correct the inaccuracies. There was some small success, this include the acceptance of “The database-driven system, called EMAIL, was developed in 1978 by Shiva Ayyadurai as part of his study at Livingston High School, New Jersey. It was fully deployed to use in two campuses of University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey in 1981.” However, after his news of inventing email became public, this mention was removed from the Wikipedia article on Email.

The timing of the destruction of these facts demonstrates a premeditated plan by group of individuals to not only remove the credit that belongs to VA Shiva Ayyadurai for creating the first email system, but also to discredit his other valuable contribution in other fields, by expunging his recognized credits from other articles.



Screen shot of Wikipedia article on "Email" as on January 22, 2012, showing mention of VA Shiva Ayyadurai's database-driven email system at UMDNJ in 1978.

Screen shot of Wikipedia article on "Email" after mention of VA Shiva Ayyadurai's work was removed on February 21, 2012, five days after the Smithsonian news.

Defamation and Disparagement on VA Shiva Ayyadurai's Article (February 21, 2012 to March 07, 2012)

During the period February 21, 2012 until April 18, 2012, 96 edits were made to the article on VA Shiva Ayyadurai on Wikipedia. These persistent attacks were made to dismiss any facts correlating him to being an inventor.

Accusation that VA Shiva Ayyadurai is Falsely Claiming to be Inventor of Email



Click here to see screen shots of Wikipedia article on Shiva Ayyadurai, as on November 7, 2011

On February 21, 2012, a Wikipedia editor added defaming statement that Dr. Ayyadurai is "falsely claiming" to be the inventor of email. See text marked in red outline in the screen shot of the Wikipedia page, as on February 21, 2012.

Arbitrary Reason for Removal of Entire Article



Click here to see screen shots of Wikipedia article on Shiva Ayyadurai, as on November 7, 2011

On February 23, 2012, a Wikipedia editor marked the article on Dr. Ayyadurai for deletion stating the reason as "Doesn't seem notable, sources barely mention topic if at all". See the Wikipedia page, as on February 23, 2012. As of February 23, 2012, the article included 36 references containing notable citations to the topics in the article.

Disparagement of VA Shiva Ayyadurai as 'storyteller'



Click here to see screen shots of Wikipedia article on Shiva Ayyadurai, as on November 7, 2011

On February 24, 2012, a Wikipedia editor added defaming statement that Dr. Ayyadurai is a "storyteller". See text marked in red outline in the screen shot of the Wikipedia page, as on February 24, 2012.

Proposed Deletion of Article Without Citing Any Reason



Click here to see screen shots of Wikipedia article on Shiva Ayyadurai, as on November 7, 2011

On February 24, 2012, an editor marked the article for deletion again. This time, not even a reason was stated for the marking. See the Wikipedia page, as on February 24, 2012.

Accusation on Validity of VA Shiva Ayyadurai's Copyright and Patents



Click here to see screen shots of Wikipedia article on Shiva Ayyadurai, as on November 7, 2011

On February 24, 2012, an editor accused the copyright of being potentially false and questioned the legal validity of the patents. The text marked in red in this Wikipedia page, as it was edited on February 24, 2012, shows the accusations.

Deletion of Reference to VA Shiva Ayyadurai as Inventor



Click here to see screen shots of Wikipedia article on Shiva Ayyadurai, as on November 7, 2011

On February 25, 2012, a Wikipedia editor removed the term inventor after VA Shiva Ayyadurai's name. See text marked in red outline in the screen shot of the Wikipedia page, as on March 07, 2012.

Dismissive Editorial Comments to MIT Accolades



Click here to see screen shot of Wikipedia article on Shiva Ayyadurai, prior to adding the disparaging comments on March 04, 2012

On March 04, 2012, a Wikipedia editor added disparaging comments to the article. See text marked in red outline in the screen shot of the Wikipedia page, as on March 04, 2012.

Insertion of Denigrating Statement to Characterize VA Shiva Ayyadurai



Click here to see screen shots of Wikipedia article on Shiva Ayyadurai, as on November 7, 2011

On March 07, 2012, an edit was made to make the introductory sentence defamatory. See text marked in red outline in the screen shot of the Wikipedia page, as on March 07, 2012.

Removal of VA Shiva Ayyadurai from 'American Inventor' Category



Click here to see screen shots of Wikipedia article on Shiva Ayyadurai, as on November 7, 2011

On March 07, 2012, a Wikipedia editor removed the category of "American Inventors" the article. See text marked in red outline in the two screen shots of the Wikipedia page, as on March 07, 2012.

V A Shiva - Inventor of Email
The Inventor of Email on CBS
Interview with Inventor of Email
Interview in TIME Magazine
Interview with Doug Aamoth
Noam Chomsky on VA Shiva Ayyadurai's Invention of Email
VA Shiva Ayyadurai, the Inventor of Email: EMAIL was named in 1978 in FORTRAN IV
VA Shiva Ayyadurai, the Inventor of Email: First US Copyright for EMAIL, 1982
Dr. Leslie Michelson on VA Shiva Ayyadurai's Invention of Email
VA Shiva Ayyadurai's Personal Statement on Invention of Email
VA Shiva at the age of 14, Newark, 1978.As a Lecturer at the MIT, 2012.
V A Shiva - Inventing EMAIL

Learning Programming
@ NYU, 1978

VA Shiva Ayyadurai, the Inventor of Email: Learning Programming, 1978

EMAIL was named in 1978 in FORTRAN IV

VA Shiva Ayyadurai, the Inventor of Email: EMAIL was named in 1978 in FORTRAN IV

West Essex Tribune, 1980

VA Shiva Ayyadurai, the Inventor of Email: First Email System, 1980

Westinghouse Award Entry, 1981

VA Shiva Ayyadurai, the Inventor of Email: Westinghouse Award Entry, 1981

Westinghouse Award, 1981

VA Shiva Ayyadurai, the Inventor of Email: Westinghouse Award, 1981

MIT Tech Talk, 1981

VA Shiva Ayyadurai, the Inventor of Email: MIT Tech Talk, 1981

First US Copyright for EMAIL, 1982

VA Shiva Ayyadurai, the Inventor of Email: First US Copyright for EMAIL, 1982

COMAND, 1982

VA Shiva Ayyadurai, the Inventor of Email: COMAND, 1982

EMAIL User's Manual Copyright, 1982

VA Shiva Ayyadurai, the Inventor of Email: EMAIL User's Manual Copyright, 1982

EMS Copyright, 1984

VA Shiva Ayyadurai, the Inventor of Email: EMS Copyright, 1984

Beyond Email

U.S Patent: Relationship Management System and Method using Asynchronous Electronic Messaging, 2003

VA Shiva Ayyadurai, the Inventor of Email: Relationship Management System and Method using Asynchronous Electronic Messaging, 2003

U.S Patent: System and Method for Content-Sensitive Automatic Reply Message Generation, 2004

VA Shiva Ayyadurai, the Inventor of Email: U.S Patent: System and Method for Content-Sensitive Automatic Reply Message Generation, 2004

U.S Patent: Filter for Modeling System and Method for Handling and Routing of Text Based Aynchronous Commmunications, 2004

VA Shiva Ayyadurai, the Inventor of Email: Filter for Modeling System and Method for Handling and Routing of Text Based Aynchronous Commmunications, 2004

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