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The Inventor of Email

Register to Win a Copy of the Email Copyright Certificate Signed by
V.A. Shiva Ayyadurai

The United States Copyright Office officialy recognized V.A. Shiva Ayyadurai as the inventor of email by awarding him the first U.S. Copyright for Email. To mark the 35th Anniversary of the Invention of Email, we are giving away 5 commemorative copies of the Email Copyright Certificate signed by V.A. Shiva Ayyadurai. Please register by filling the form below.

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V A Shiva - Inventor of Email
The Inventor of Email on CBS
Interview with Inventor of Email
Interview in TIME Magazine
Interview with Doug Aamoth
Noam Chomsky on VA Shiva Ayyadurai's Invention of Email
VA Shiva Ayyadurai, the Inventor of Email: EMAIL was named in 1978 in FORTRAN IV
VA Shiva Ayyadurai, the Inventor of Email: First US Copyright for EMAIL, 1982
Dr. Leslie Michelson on VA Shiva Ayyadurai's Invention of Email
VA Shiva Ayyadurai's Personal Statement on Invention of Email
VA Shiva at the age of 14, Newark, 1978.As a Lecturer at the MIT, 2012.
V A Shiva - Inventing EMAIL

Learning Programming
@ NYU, 1978

VA Shiva Ayyadurai, the Inventor of Email: Learning Programming, 1978

EMAIL was named in 1978 in FORTRAN IV

VA Shiva Ayyadurai, the Inventor of Email: EMAIL was named in 1978 in FORTRAN IV

West Essex Tribune, 1980

VA Shiva Ayyadurai, the Inventor of Email: First Email System, 1980

Westinghouse Award Entry, 1981

VA Shiva Ayyadurai, the Inventor of Email: Westinghouse Award Entry, 1981

Westinghouse Award, 1981

VA Shiva Ayyadurai, the Inventor of Email: Westinghouse Award, 1981

MIT Tech Talk, 1981

VA Shiva Ayyadurai, the Inventor of Email: MIT Tech Talk, 1981

First US Copyright for EMAIL, 1982

VA Shiva Ayyadurai, the Inventor of Email: First US Copyright for EMAIL, 1982

COMAND, 1982

VA Shiva Ayyadurai, the Inventor of Email: COMAND, 1982

EMAIL User's Manual Copyright, 1982

VA Shiva Ayyadurai, the Inventor of Email: EMAIL User's Manual Copyright, 1982

EMS Copyright, 1984

VA Shiva Ayyadurai, the Inventor of Email: EMS Copyright, 1984

Beyond Email

U.S Patent: Relationship Management System and Method using Asynchronous Electronic Messaging, 2003

VA Shiva Ayyadurai, the Inventor of Email: Relationship Management System and Method using Asynchronous Electronic Messaging, 2003

U.S Patent: System and Method for Content-Sensitive Automatic Reply Message Generation, 2004

VA Shiva Ayyadurai, the Inventor of Email: U.S Patent: System and Method for Content-Sensitive Automatic Reply Message Generation, 2004

U.S Patent: Filter for Modeling System and Method for Handling and Routing of Text Based Aynchronous Commmunications, 2004

VA Shiva Ayyadurai, the Inventor of Email: Filter for Modeling System and Method for Handling and Routing of Text Based Aynchronous Commmunications, 2004

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